Medical science strongly supports the importance of regular exercise. A group of middle-aged men and women followed a fitness program. They showed lower level of blood sugar, fats , cholesterol, and gains in flexibility, strength, and stamina. Longer programs reaped greater benefits such as reduced tensions, improved respiratory capacity, lowered body fat, and increase in one’s sense of well-being.
With regular exercise, the metabolic rate increase, the digestive and circulatory system improve, the heart muscles grow stronger, and the skin acquires glow.
Regular exercise could mean a 5-mile brisk walk a day, swimming, taichi, biking, or yoga asanas. But if you have a heart or uterus problem, jogging is not advisable.
General yoga practice helps combat obesity by toning muscles and enhancing body awareness and willpower, facilitating a more sensible eating pattern. Abdominal contractions prevent and reduce fat bellies and lessen the risk of incurring back disorders.
Alternative Ways
The Ayurvedas has many recommendations for losing weight. Using lemon juice is a very effective means. This is like going to a juice fasting, which also cleanses your body of all toxins.
On the first day, juice or three pieces of lemon mixed with an equal amount of water should be given. One lemon per day should be added until the juice of 12 lemons is consumed per day. The number should be decreased in the same order until three lemons are taken a day You will feel hungry and weak on the first two days, but after that, your condition will stabilize.
Another formula is using bananas and skimmed milk. The daily diet is restricted to six bananas and four glasses of skimmed milk for a period of 10 to 15 days. Then green vegetables may be gradually added, reducing the intake of bananas from six to four. Continue this diet until you achieve the desire weight level. Bananas are ideal for overweight people as it has practically non sodium.
Base on some recent researches, cabbage has a valuable ingredient called tartonic acid which inhibits the conversion of sugar and carbohydrates into fat. Taking cabbage salad would be one of the simplest and painless ways of staying slim. A hundred grams of cabbage yields only 27 kilocalories of energy, while the same quantity of wheat bread will yield about 240 calories, so you get fewer calories while having a lasting feeling of fullness in the stomach. It is also easily digestible.
Losing the first few pounds is easy as this is only water, but shedding the next ones will be a bit hard. Don’t get discourage by this. A steady weight loss is better than an abrupt one because it stays, provided that you also maintain this with proper food intake.
Every person must take this rare opportunity as a human being, because we have a higher consciousness, a higher thinking and a higher taste on choices in life than the rest of other living entities. By these propensities we can explore our real self, our essence, our position, and function and go back where we really belong to...the Supreme Person. "HUMAN LIFE IS MEANT FOR THOUGHTFULNESS"